Duka mendalam bagi JEPANG dan GW

yo my brada n sista...saat gw nulis nih posting, hati gw rasanya hancur berkeping-keping tanpa ada suatu yg dapat mengembalikan seutuhnya seperti setipis lapis air yg beku (lebay)
kenapa harus 8.9 SR ??
kenapa sih jepang harus tsunami ??
kenapa kok dinding yg katanya bisa nahan tsunami bisa amblas ??
oh man oh yes oh no oh my god...!!!

itu diatas gw kasih liat before and after japan , bukan before and after breast surgery lho !! klo itu mah belum umur gw masih 15 taon (wkaka 15 taon ...)

gw sedihh banget deh....idola gw ada disana kaya si maria ozawa , sora aoi , mika osawa , dkk (alamak keceplosan ...wkkkk !!) ga denk becanda lah

tapi beneran dah gw penasaran banget sama si miyabi A.K.A maria ozawa , selamat ga ya tuh bidadari, hiahiahiah
iseng" ubek mbah google ternyata ada beritanya miyabi sumber dari dnewsglobal.com

Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi8.9 magnitude Richter Scale earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan, on Friday (11/03/2011). Until now the number of victims continues to grow. Coverage in the media and social networking trending topic at all about the events in Japan. Starting from the greeting grief, questioning the amount of the victim until someone asked sexy Japanese actress Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi is still a live or dead in 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami. No one can answer this question becasue no one can reach her.

Producer Maxima Pictures, Ody Mulya who has twice worked with Miyabi in Indonesia was deeply concerned about the condition of this sexy artist.

“Frankly I lost contact with her (Miyabi), my last contact with him about 1-2 hours before the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami, then I sms and the phone she is not accept and also do not reply my sms,”said Ody Mulya.

Ody also said this condition makes it extremely worried and anxious, considering that Miyabi was regarded as friends and business associates. Ody said between himself and management Miyabi is still under contract to make two more films.

“I want to ask the situation, but it is difficult to call her, hopefully Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi is alright and still a live after this terrible earthquake and tsunami, cause I’m really worried,” said ody. Look for Miyabi latest condition here

moga aja miyabi dan antek-anteknya ketemu !!
dan yg paling utama ...


oya buat temen" yg mo bantu jepang, tapi uang habis, dompet tipis, ingin menangis gw kasih link nya disini klik yg ditandai

cm ngeklik doank kan ga ribet yaa?? hehe setiap hari 1 klik
dengan 1 klik kalian bisa mendonasikan 1 yen buat para sodara" kita
Gw berani sumpah ini bukan website penipuan, uangnya akan langsung masuk ke charity dan akan dialokasikan pada tanggal tertentu.

INGET PEPATAH "KALO NGOMONG JANGAN OMDO..!!!" OMONG DOANK....ayo indonesia bantu saudara kita !!!...ini merupaka ladang pahala bagi kita" smua...

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